Meet Katie

Katie Schweinsberg, RN, MMCP
Marquette Method Instructor
Island Lake, Illinois
One-on-one, personalized training in the Marquette Method, in-person and online
I’m Katie Schweinsberg (RN), a Marquette Method instructor and also a Catholic wife, mother, and nurse. I’ve been in nursing for over a decade. Prior to becoming a natural family planning instructor, I practiced in pediatrics and postpartum obstetrics and gynecology (OB).
My Natural Family Planning Journey
My husband and I had very little prior knowledge about natural family planning (NFP) before we were engaged. Our first encounter with NFP was an introduction to the Creighton Method during our marriage preparation process.
We were inspired and excited—that is, until we ended up unexpectantly pregnant soon after we were married. What followed was a few years of struggling with fear and anxiety around fertility and NFP. We felt like our only choice was to either constantly abstain or always be pregnant.
Five years ago friends at our church introduced us to the Marquette Method. We felt a huge sense of relief. It was as if the Lord was saying this is so simple and effective that anyone can handle it! Marquette Method has truly been a game changer for our marriage.
How I Became a Marquette Method Instructor
A year later we were having dinner with some other married couples and our parish priest. The topic of the marriage preparation process at our parish—and how NFP is presented within it—was brought up. Everyone at the table (including me) insisted that the Marquette Method should be incorporated.
Father turned to me and said “Great, can you teach it?”
Marquette had been so life changing for us. I knew that I wanted to help other couples, but I hadn’t disclosed my discernment about teaching Marquette to our priest yet.
I felt, again, that the Lord was making things very clear to me.
Shortly after, I got in touch with the Marquette Institute of Natural Family Planning and enrolled in their program. I started teaching in 2020. Soon after becoming an instructor, I also started working on Marquette’s research’s efforts. I’ve been involved (and continue to be involved) in the research studies focused on developing the Marquette Method Mira fertility monitor NFP protocols.
Marital sexuality is such a beautiful gift. I always tell the couples I work with that my goal is for them to feel confident, comfortable, and not have anxiety about intimacy. NFP is helpful for marital intimacy and overall reproductive and physical health.
I would love to help you gain the knowledge you need to have the most fertility awareness you can.

Free Marquette Method Consultation
Have questions about the Marquette Method?
I’d be glad to answer any questions you have about the method or about Vitae Fertility's training packages.
Click below to start your free, no-obligation consultation with me.