Marquette Method Instructors
Meet Our Team of Marquette Instructors

Louise Boychuk, RN, MMCP
Edmonton, Alberta

Katie Creviston, RN, MMCP
Denver, Colorado

Lindsey Gilmore, RN, MMCP
Austin, Texas

Michelle Grant, RN, MMCP
Fort Worth, Texas

Anneli Grimard, RN, MMCP
British Columbia, Canada

Stephanie Hilgert, RN, MMCP

Paula Romanoski, RN, MMCP
Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Nikki Schuiling, RN, MMCP
Chicago, Illinois

Katie Schweinsberg, RN, MMCP
Island Lake, Illinois

Jennifer Sikes, RN, MMCP
South Bend, Indiana

Amanda Smith, RN, MMCP
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Bethany Smith, RN, MMCP
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Ashlee Underwood, RN, MMCP
Edmonton, Alberta

The Vitae Fertility Difference
Here’s what you can expect when you learn the Marquette Method with a Vitae Fertility instructor…
We’ve collectively taught over 6000 clients, which means our hands-on experience with NFP goes way beyond the basics.
We regularly teach clients with complicated fertility histories, complicated charts, and the full range of women’s health conditions which affect menstrual cycles.
Rest assured that we know what to do, even if you’re cycles aren’t “easy.”
We only offer 1:1, private instruction. Why? Because your fertility is unique. Personal to you as a couple.
We don’t offer group classes because we tailor each class to the specific needs of each client. And we want to you feel comfortable asking questions as you learn. NFP is healthcare. Your doctor doesn’t schedule you into a group class, so we don’t either.
Marquette Method Manuals
In 2017, Louise (our founder) wrote two books on the Marquette Method of NFP. One book for breastfeeding women and one is for women in regular cycles. These aren’t brochures—they are in-depth manuals (the breastfeeding book is 108 pages). They’re only available through Vitae Fertility.
You’ll get one in the mail when you become a Vitae Fertility client.
Answers to your questions
We never want you worrying about what to do next if things get tricky. You will always be able to get in touch with your instructor anytime.
Our policy is to respond within a day. Even on weekends. Even on holidays.
Team-Based Approach to Your Care
We’re nurses, and in healthcare nurses always work in teams. The Vitae Fertility team meets regularly to support one another as we support our clients.
If one of us has a client who is struggling to interpret their fertility, we draw upon the collective wisdom and experience of all the team to arrive at a plan.
Marquette Method Certified
All the Vitae Fertility instructors are Marquette Method Certified Professionals (MMCPs).
We are all active members of the Marquette Method Professional Association. (Many of us serve on the board and on committees, too.)
We Walk in Faith
Vitae Fertility isn’t just a business. It’s a ministry.
You don’t have to be Catholic to be a Vitae Fertility client (we welcome clients of any faith background and have many clients who are not religious) but we know that we could not do this work without Jesus.
We pray together, fast together, and let God guide us in our work.
We Use Marquette, Too!
We practice what we teach! We’re all moms with years of experience with Natural Family Planning and the Marquette Method. Most of us also have experience with other methods prior to switching to Marquette.

Louise Boychuk, RN, MMCP
Marquette Method Instructor
Founder of Vitae Fertility Education
How it Started…
I wrote the Marquette Method manuals in coffeeshops while friends babysat my 3 kids.
I had 3 under 5 at the time. My youngest was still nursing.
It was hard, but I did it because finding Marquette has been transformational in my life.
Before Marquette, NFP had been a constant source of tension and frustration for my marriage. My NFP story—a story of total frustration with my cycles—is not uncommon.
All I knew is that I had finally found an evidence-based, easy-to-use method of natural family planning that worked. For the first time in my life, I had clarity into my cycles. Even while breastfeeding!
The world needed to know about it.
When I started Vitae Fertility in 2017, I had no idea what plans God had for Vitae Fertility.
For a few years I taught multiple couples per day. There was such a need. (There still is.)
In prayer, I realized that I couldn’t do it alone.
There was a real need for more well-informed, experienced Marquette Method instructors. So many people were hearing about the method for the first time from friends and family. I just couldn’t keep up.
I started bringing on more instructors to Vitae Fertility in 2019.
Women need and deserve dependable, skilled instructors to teach them the method and guide them in following it, day-by-day and cycle-by-cycle.
I knew the best way to do that was to take other instructors under my wing and mentor them so that they could be the kind of instructor that every woman wants.
- One that’s patient, calm, and skilled.
- One that has a good “bedside manner.”
- One that stays up to date on the latest developments in NFP research.
- And one who you can count on to listen to your questions and give you personalized, expert answers in a timely manner.
God brought us together to serve women like you. It’s been a wild ride to be sure, but isn’t that always how it goes when you follow His plan?
He had plans for us, and I know He has plans for you too.
God bless,
Louise Boychuk