Bethany Smith, Marquette Method Instructor

Headshot of Bethany Smith, RN and Marquette Method of NFP Instructor with Vitae Fertility Education. Bethany is based out of Tulsa, Oaklahoma.

Bethany Smith, RN, MA

Marquette Method Instructor

One-on-one, personalized training in the Marquette Method, in-person and online

Have questions about the Marquette Method of NFP? I’m always here to help.

Fill out the form below to begin a free, no-obligation consultation with me.

Free Consultation Form

Free Consult Form

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re ready to sign up for a Marquette Method class with me, click on the button below and fill out the registration form.

To make sure you get me as your instructor, just type in “Bethany” as your preferred instructor.  I’ll be in touch to schedule your introductory teaching session.

I’m looking forward to meeting you!